→ Credits ←
Directed by: Jeannie Roshar
Written By: Jeannie Roshar
Produced by: Cindy Caryl
Production Designer: Daniel Clay Fox
Director of Photography: Steven Moreno
Camera Operator: Bill Hunt
Still Photographer: Bill Hunt & Steven Moreno
Sound Mixer: Sean Hokanson
Edited by: Timothy Conroy
Line Producer: Cindy Caryl
Studio Teacher: Carol Bandy
Production Assistant: Sydney Ray
Created by: Jeannie Roshar and Gary Anthony Williams
"Life Hacks" Theme Song Written by: Sunny Keller
Produced By: Daisy Wall
Executive Producer: Judy Meyers
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easy hacks videos Pumpkin Putt Putt Game | LIFE HACKS FOR KIDS | |
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 14 Oct 2018 |
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